What is Iyengar yoga?

The world's most widely practised method of yoga was devised by Yogacharya Sri B.K.S. Iyengar of Pune, India. Born on December 14, 1918 - died August 20, 2014, in Bellur, India, he studied and practised yoga continuously for 80 years. Having taught in all five continents, he has earned worldwide respect and recognition for his achievements and has made Yoga accessible and relevant to people everywhere, no matter what their physical or mental ability.


What can I expect?

Yoga Restful, Meditative and Dynamic; a complete exercise and wellbeing experience.

Iyengar yoga with Gipe has all the necessary and appropriate focus to enhance and grow your physical fitness and wellbeing.

Yoga is a weight-bearing exercise that strengthens bones and muscles, this can help you become stronger and more supple. Therefore, the practice of yoga is highly recommended for building strength and flexibility for all ages and abilities.

Gipe’s yoga classes aim to strengthen and rejuvenate the body. The use of props and verbal instructions allows students in my class to go deeper into their asana (yoga poses) and pranayama (breath meditation). Read more…

Do I have to be fit?

Iyengar Yoga is for anyone irrespective of age, gender, health or religion. Iyengar Yoga is not competitive, a distinctive feature of Iyengar Yoga is the use of props to help you develop your strength, flexibility and control in postures. In this way Gipe will help you work to your maximum ability within a general mixed class. However, you may prefer to work one to one with Gipe if so, please contact her directly.


Is a religious faith necessary?

People from many religious traditions can and do practise Iyengar yoga. I will not promote a religious viewpoint however, yoga is based in the Hindu tradition and some references may be made to the source of ideas or names of postures in order to clarify background detail.

What are the effects?

With regular guided practice the effects are a general feeling of vitality, greater flexibility and mental well-being. The focus of Iyengar yoga on alignment can alleviate postural problems. It can also release emotional tensions. Classes can be challenging invigorating and calming. Usually, during the 4th or 5th there is a restorative class to help soothe the nervous system. Gipe is also available for private and group bookings, see restorative classes for more information.